Tuesday 16 October 2012

Always running late...Hello! I'm January. 

My name is Karen and I currently live with two crazy animals in a tiny apartment. Both enjoy "helping" with my quilting projects. (I promise to de-fur all blocks for the bee!) I have a wonderful partner, who has taught me how to laugh and explore and take risks again. He is slowing getting over his aversion to "crafting" and is helping me with my latest quilt project, Groovy Quilt for the Totally Groovy QAL run by Alyssa Litchner over at Pile o' Fabric.

I'm really excited about participating in my first quilting bee. I've only ever been exposed to traditional quilting in classes and traditional quilt guilds, so modern quilting is a new adventure for me!

This is me in Zadar, Croatia on the Sun Salutation:

This is my dog helping me with The Monstrosity.

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